Services & Fees

Facility Licensing

The Department is responsible for making sure that animals are cared for properly in their environments (pet shops, grooming parlors, etc.).

Our Animal Facility Licensing Division is responsible for inspecting dog and cat kennels, pet shops, grooming parlors, animal exhibition events, animal menageries, and mobile groomers.  They also inspect facilities with guard dogs, circuses, and establishments that require a conditional use permit.  When necessary, they issue orders to comply and/or citations to appear in court to enforce County and city ordinances.

This division has the responsibility of conducting approximately 650 inspections annually.  The staff works closely with care center operational staff as well as with the County of Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning and Public Works’ Building and Safety Division as well as State agencies such as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Staff takes proactive approaches to ensure the health and safety of animals by inspecting unlicensed and licensed animal businesses within our jurisdictions and enforcing all applicable ordinances and laws.


Licensing Your Business

Part of the licensing process requires signatures from the County of Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning.  If a business is located in a city contracted with our Department, that City’s code enforcement personnel can assist the facility owner.

For questions regarding Facility Licensing, you may contact

(562) 345-0323
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