The County of Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control (DACC) has been recognized by various animal welfare organizations and local agencies for its innovation and animal life-saving efforts. Below are some of the awards, grants, and recognition that DACC has received throughout the years:

Petco Love Animal Welfare Organizations Grant (2022)
Petco Love—formerly the Petco Foundation—has so generously awarded a grant of $96,000 to the Los Angeles County Animal Care Foundation (ACF)! These funds will go directly towards helping pets and pet owners in our communities and helping ensure that families are kept intact. Both DACC and the ACF thank Petco Love not only for this substantial grant award but for its continued support over the years and its many contributions to animals in our communities.

Petfinder Foundation Kia Adoption Grant (2022)
On April 15, 2022, the Petfinder Foundation awarded a grant of $6,000 to DACC to sponsor reduced adoption fees for large-breed dogs (i.e., 35 lbs. and over). By reducing adoption fees, we remove financial barriers that might discourage potential adopters, thus increasing adoption rates for these incredible, yet more difficult to place, animals.

QPC Commissioners’ Legacy Award (2021)
Each year, the Quality and Productivity Commission (QPC) recognizes Los Angeles County’s commitment to service excellence and to improving the quality of life for every resident. In 2021, DACC was awarded the prestigious Commissioners’ Legacy Award for its Managed Intake and Enhanced Placement programs that were implemented during COVID-19.
DACC also received a national award from the National Association of Counties, and a state award from the California State Association of Counties for these programs.
To view more on the projects recognized this year, view the digital flipbook:

NACo Achievement Award (2021)
In 2021, DACC was awarded a National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award for Managed Intake and Enhanced Placement, under the program category of Community and Economic Development. Managed Intake is an approach towards animal management that leverages community engagement and resources to achieve the best outcomes for stray and owned pets in our communities. View the full abstract below!

Petco Disaster Relief Grant Award (2020)
The Petco Foundation awarded DACC a grant award of $10,000 to be used for disaster relief.
DACC is using the funding to supply hydration backpacks for animal care attendants and animal control officers. Any of these staff may be deployed to fire relief sites to assist with the rescue and safe placement of animals displaced by fires. The backpacks will allow staff to remain hydrated and mobile while assisting in emergency animal relief efforts.

CSAC Challenge Award (2020)
The California State Association of Counties (CSAC) awarded DACC a Merit award under the category: Disaster & Emergency Response/Management.
DACC was acknowledged for implementing a Managed Intake and Expanded Placement program for animals. This program allowed DACC to expeditiously implement a new animal management practice to respond to, and enhance services during, the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
You can view the full submission HERE!

Petco Livesaving Grant Award (2020)
The Petco Foundation awarded DACC a grant award of $80,000 to be used for livesaving efforts for animals brought to Los Angeles County Animal Care Centers.
DACC will use the funding to increase the lifesaving capacity of the Department, as determined by ongoing events and trends, such as to offset adoption fees to increase live outcomes for animals, invest in additional medical equipment, or to fund individual cases of adoptable animals needing extensive medical treatment, such as major surgery beyond the regular capacity of the Department’s medical program.

NACo Achievement Award (2019)
DACC was awarded a National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award in 2019 for Pawsitive Steps Academy, a human-animal bond fostering program that pairs kittens in need of care with girls at the Camp Scott probation camp.

Grey Muzzle Organization (2019)
In June 2019, the Grey Muzzle Organization awarded the Los Angeles County Animal Care Foundation $5,000 to provide supplemental services for senior dogs. This funding is critical for dogs who require specialized medical care and must therefore be transferred to private veterinarians.
In 2018, the Grey Muzzle Organization also generously donated orthopedic beds to be used by senior dogs at our animal care centers.

Petco Foundation (2019)
In February 2019, the Petco Foundation awarded a grant of $75,000 to DACC to renovate the play yards at the Baldwin Park Animal Care Center. These play yards allow DACC’s Behavior Team to conduct playgroup sessions which are crucial for assessing dogs’ temperament and social skills.

PetSmart Charities (2018)
In October 2018, PetSmart Charities awarded DACC a grant of $20,520 to support and expand Pawsitive Steps Academy, an innovative foster program that pairs kittens in need of care with girls at the Camp Scott probation camp.

NACo Achievement Award (2018)
In 2018, DACC was awarded a National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award for the Pee Wee Program. This program, which began in 2017, is a partnership program with the ASPCA that provides free supplies, training, and transportation (via Lyft) for kittens to foster care providers.
Past Grantors:

National Association of County (NACo) Awards:
1989 NACO Achievement Award
Lost Animal Retrieval Information Service (LARIS)
1991 NACO Achievement Award
Pet Identification Tattooing
1992 NACO Achievement Award
Voluntary Cat Registration
1992 NACO Achievement Award
Project: County Pet Makeovers
1992 NACO Achievement Award
Channel 7 News Outreach Adoption Program
1993 NACO Achievement Award
The Spay/Neuter Assistance Program
1999 NACO Achievement Award
Blue Ribbon Program
1999 NACO Achievement Award
Shelter Blanket Program
2001 NACO Achievement Award
Animal Care and Control Equine Response Team
2007 NACO Achievement Award
Animal Facility Grading System
2015 NACO Achievement Award
Enhancing Neighborhood Safety with Critical Case Processing Unit
2017 NACO Achievement Award
Plain Language Animal Ordinance Program
County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors:
2004 DACC Commendation
Providing Aide and Assistance to Los Angeles County Residents During the Wildfire That Ravaged Southern California from October 25 to November 15, 2003
2007 DACC Commendation
Animal Facility Grading
2013 DACC Commendation
2012 Charitable Giving Campaign-”Top Department-Cash Contributions”
2016 DACC Commendation
Horse Care and Adoption Programs
2016 DACC Recognition
Oil Fire of June 4, 2016
2016 Supervisor Michael Antonovich DACC Commendation
Palmdale Animal Care and Control Facility
LACo Quality & Productivity Commission Awards:
1991 DACC Productivity & Quality Award
Central Dispatch Center
1992 DACC Productivity & Quality Award
Cat Registration
1993 DACC Award of Merit
Mandatory Cat Licensing
1997 DACC Productivity & Quality Award
“Clean UP Your Neighborhood….Bring Us Your Litter Campaign”
1997 DACC & LASD “”PQA Award-Innovative Solution Award”
Wayside-Honor Rancho Pet Grooming
1998 DACC & Parks Productivity & Quality Award
Disaster Preparedness Training Program
1998 DACC Productivity & Quality Award
Blue Ribbon Campaign
1999 DACC Productivity & Quality Award
The Red Alert Program
2001 DACC Productivity & Quality Award
A Strategic Odyssey 3rd Chance Program
2003 DACC & DCFS & DCSS PQA Award
Animal and Human Abuse Cross-Training Program
2006 DACC & TTC PQA Million Dollar Club Award
ACCUPUPS…Taking Your Pal to a New Level
2008 Certificate of Recognition for District Attorney
Code Enforcement with the District Attorney and Regional Planning
2010 DACC & ISD Performance Measurement Award
Reducing Canine Euthanasia through Partnerships
Ahead of the Curve with Critical Case Processing
2014 Best Teamwork Award – Public Health, Human Resources, Parks and Recreation, Children and Family Services, Public Social Services, and Internal Services
Annual Public Health Expo: Prevention Starts with You
2014 Traditional Plaque
Animal Cruelty Prosecution Program with the District Attorney
2016 DACC & Public Health & Parks & CEO & ISD
Outstanding Teamwork Award – Healthy Pet Expo